Saturday, July 16, 2005

A little more about myself and my pathetic social life.

This is my smart allic side kick Jim, he is not all he seems he is a want to be Goth and an excelent swimmer, he enjoys longs walks on the beach as well. He is an exelent artist but fairs from one bad symptom of his success, lazy ness. He is at his best where he goes around late at night and fights crime in his night outfit that consist of a black ski mask and a leather jacket.

My other friend Dave on the other hand is a story within himself, besides myself he is the only one of my friends that have got a license, I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing counting that he has ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) He clearly shows it by falling asleep in class, getting detentions and not showing up for them at all. Above anything else he does is that he plays Final Fantasy 11. He has the best equipment and reached level 75 or something according to him, I am not such a fan of the MMORPGs but he has continued to draw me into them, so far is attempts have been ill done.

Ryan is a good friend of mine and he lives 23 feet from my house if I felt like it I could open my window and throw a rock at his house again if I felt like it. Ryan's father manages a Hilton hotel right outside of Logan international airport. He spends most of the time playing Halo 2 on xbox live. He is also 16 and still delivers news paper. His job takes 20 mins while I am at work for 10 hours a day.

A good fried of mine Ashley is always there for moral support, she has been a good friend to me all year and I hope that we stay friends for a good time, a real good time.

My good ol Jewish fried Seth, we have known each other since kinder garden. He is a nice kid who enjoys snapple among other things.

My puppy Tanner, he is a good dog that I have trained and feed and walked while everyone else on their ass. So, he is not the family's dog, he is my dog. Oh yea today he turned 4 years old.


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